Wild Sourdough
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Hi Yoke,

Many thanks for a fantastic workshop (Culturing), i learnt so much!
Over the week, i made the coconut panna cotta, greek yoghurt which i turned into labneh, cultured butter (using cream kefir), water kefir (made with apple juice and mineral water – sparkling – is that ok? with berries added after the primary ferment). I used the buttermilk (from the butter) to make pancakes and have lots of whey to use to ferment kimchi. So i used up most of the cultures, i have only retained the coconut yoghurt for future panna cotta, but i’m glad i got to put my new skills to use making the labneh and butter (which will last me for ages, it’s in the freezer when i’m away).

I’ve attached some photos from the workshop that you might like to post (i’m not on facebook much).

Thanks again, Kim (WA)

April 22, 2016

What a wonderful class and a real great to bake bread for my family who were all happy this morning so thank you.

Regards Deb (WA)

April 22, 2016

Thank you for writing such a good book, I have made 2 loaves so far and both are excellent. Missed your class in Melbourne, if you do another could you let me know.

Regards Anton (VIC)

April 22, 2016

Hi Yoke,

I am super excited to be attending your sourdough class for Thermomix on Saturday here in Brisbane.
I look forward to meeting you and hearing your words of wisdom. Actually, I am just mega excited you’d think I was a child waiting for Christmas day!!!

Kelly (QLD)

April 22, 2016

Hi Yoke, thanks for coming all the way to Brisbane to do the sourdough class! I enjoyed it a lot. Here you can see my bread. One is a pain de mie, the other is a spelt/wheat loaf. I am very happy with the rise. I am the person who brought the dense bread along to show you. I do hope you come to Brissy again. I am interested in tempeh also.

Many thanks and kind regards, Michelle (QLD)

April 22, 2016

Good morning Yoke,

Thank you for a very interesting day. I produced a couple of very nice loaves last night. Of course you were right and everything went very smoothly. I really enjoyed the whole experience.

Cheers Johanne (WA)

April 22, 2016

Hi Yoke

Thanks for a great day on Saturday Yoke. I cooked this on Sunday at Mums before I came home today. Tastes and looks fabulous! Very happy with it and how easy you made it look and that it actually was to make.

Thanks again, Linda (WA)

April 22, 2016

Hi Yoke,

I have never been so successful with my breadmaking as I have since following your books. Amazing!
Thank you for your time for answering my questions and your enthusiasm. It is refreshing

Regards, Julia (QLD)

PS. Do you ever run courses on the Gold Coast? I would love to attend one

April 22, 2016

Hi Yoke,

I just wanted to share my sourdough success with you. I had a very successful bake before work this morning after leaving my dough to do its second rise overnight. Photos attached.

Thanks so much for teaching me this amazing skill. I’ll be in touch and we’ll get you across to Adelaide eventually!

Have a great day.

Kind regards, Anne-Maree (SA)

April 22, 2016

Dear Yoke,

I hope you had a really nice, happy and joyful turn into 2015! That this year brings you even more and more love and happiness!

Because happiness is what your bread and recipes brings to me and so many people, I’m sure! It was such a pleasure to make a gluten free buckwheat sourdough from your “Sourdough” book and present it to my friend on Xmas eve. The buckwheat starter turned out really good after using Lotus brand buckwheat flour and also mixing 2-3 minutes with electric beater after each feeding. The texture of the bread, the taste, the appearance… all is just perfect! (pictures below). Even though I’m not intolerant to gluten, I must admit, your recipe for Buckwheat Linseed with Caraway seed is an amazing experience to the palate and to health!

Two slices of this break with goats cheese and not only I’m fed for 5 hours, but it feels incredibly nice! Thank you Yoke!

I look forward to making the brown rice bread next! 🙂 Thank you Yoke!

Love Josie (QLD)

April 22, 2016