Wild Sourdough
contact Wild Sourdough

Personal Development & Team Workshop: 

–  Sourdough Mindfulness –
kneading to
de-stress, relax & connect

(VEGAN or VEGAN & GLUTEN FREE, all FODMAP Friendly, NUT free)
[Breadmaking is] one of those almost hypnotic businesses, like a dance from some ancient ceremony. It leaves you filled with one of the world’s sweetest smells… there is no chiropractic treatment, no Yoga exercise, no hour of meditation in a music-throbbing chapel, that will leave you emptier of bad thoughts than this homely ceremony of making bread.”                                          M.F.K. Fisher, The Art of Eating

Yoke will work with you to organise a private one-on-one, group class or team building corporate class – either at your venue/event or hers. Yoke is based in Perth but travels all around Australia ( especially the Eastern states) and overseas to teach. In 2019, she was invited as a speaker at TedTalk TEDXPerth to give a talk on the mindful practice of sourdough:

“Ground yourself …with Sourdough”https://www.ted.com/search?q=Yoke+mardewi.

In navigating this challenging and increasingly more stressful COVID world we all live in now, many of us have become increasingly stressed, anxious and disconnected from themselves and others. In light of this, Yoke has created a practical and useful Corporate Personal Development or Team Bonding Workshop:

Sourdough Mindfulness – kneading to de-stress, relax & connect

In the wake of a challenging year, many of us have become even more anxious, disconnected or unsettled than we might have been in the past. Thankfully, as we have come to know, meditation and mindfulness are effective ways to reduce such states of distress and anxiety – but it is not easy to get into this practice.

This is where sourdough comes in: the simple process of mixing flour and water and getting your hands into the dough to knead is the easy way to ground yourself in the present moment, to lose yourself in the process. Sourdough breadmaking is an organoleptic experience: it involves the use of all your senses. To use your eyes, your hands, your heart, and your mind. Sourdough, when made well, is about being in the moment.

Creating bread is a gentle yet powerful form of mindfulness. And this is what I would like to introduce you to, above all, in the few hours we share together. The delicious healthy, highly digestible and nutrient dense bread is the bonus.

Furthermore, sourdough bread making is about inclusivity: a super easy way to connect to others when words fail!

Class can be designed to suit any dietary requirement including: VEGAN, WHEAT FREE or VEGAN & GLUTEN FREE, all FODMAP Friendly, NUT free etc.

Please contact Yoke directly on 0412 272327 (international callers +61 412 272327) or email me

Hi Yoke

I have just made 2 small loaves of white sourdough: my husband was suitably impressed! I wasn’t really sure if I was doing the right thing – lots of consulting your notes and trying to remember what we did in class and somehow I ended up with two lovely loaves. Really looking forward to the fermenting class

Regards, Linda (WA)

Note about my classes:All my classes are hands-on, as I truly believe that you learn more effectively by experiencing the whole process first hand...touching, feeling, smelling and making your own dough from scratch in class.All efforts are made to use only organic/bio-dynamic ingredients.If you have a specific allergy or dietary requirement, please let me know.