Wild Sourdough
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Low FODMAPs Sourdough Class

Low FODMAPs Sourdough Class

Low FODMAPs Sourdough Breadmaking, the ultimate COMFORT food

Totally VEGAN, high protein, high fibre, WHEAT free, soya, legumes & corn free

You are not celiac but you have digestive issues and/or IBS (irritable bowl syndrome) and your medical practitioner has advised you to go on the research based FODMAPs diet and you are missing that ultimate comfort food, namely BREAD? This delicious nutrient dense class is tailor made and well researched for YOU!

You will touch, feel, smell, taste every part of the sourdough breadmaking process, so you will understand absolutely everything you need to make your own sourdough bread at home. Using beneficial sourdough fermentation, I will introduce you to a variety of flour and ingredients that are naturally low FODMAPS, which will include SPELT and including GLUTEN-FREE. I will be using and giving you HYBRID spelt & gluten free starter culture and we will be making hybrid sourdough bread as well…

In this interactive hands-on class, be prepared to be both surprised and delighted by the amazing tasting and nutritious to boot LOW FODMAPs sourdough sandwich bread, fruit loaf, pizza, ciabatta, pain au levain … foccacias to name a few! You will rediscover your love for what makes sourdough bread so comforting and special, the uniquely delicious complex taste and texture which is a direct result of natural lactobacillus fermentation which has existed for thousand years… with a TWIST to make it suitable for the LOW FODMAPs diet so you can enjoy it in total comfort and with total confident to know that you are following your doctor’s instruction for low FODMAPs diet…

You will also be introduced to special techniques to make soft sourdough loaves for your kids and hard-to-please adults demanding super soft loaves…

My main objective is to guide and inspire you to make this delicious and nutritious bread at home with easy practical and do-able methods, to fit in this sourdough breadmaking steps into your day-to-day life. You will be provided with my sourdough culture and organic/biodynamic flours to start off your breadmaking adventure without having to go to shops for ingredients.

At the end of the class, you will make your very own sourdough bread dough to take home. You will be rising, shaping and baking this LOW FODMAP sourdough bread made by you at home!

Type of sourdough covered in this class:

  • sandwich bread, fruit loaf, pizza, ciabatta, pain au levain, Super SOFT sourdough … foccacia/fougasse to name a few

Class Details

  • Duration – 5 ½ hours
  • Low FODMAPs Hybrid SPELT& Gluten-Free sourdough starter given
  • Includes comprehensive notes and recipes
  • Generous food to share in class and take home
  • Make your own LOW FODMAPs dough to take home
  • More flour to feed starter and make more dough at home

More Information...

For information on current classes and gift vouchers, please contact YOKE...

Please note that some classes may only be run once a year.

Contact Yoke

Hi Yoke

I just want to thank you for your wonderful book ‘Wild Sourdough’ which I recently purchased from the book club at work. I have had success with my rye sourdough starter which is very exciting!

I tried my making my first loaf last weekend, which ended up a little to wet. Today I had good success with two loaves baked in our woodfired oven!

I love your book and I have my starter in the fridge for next weekend.

With thanks, Vicky (NSW)

Note about my classes:All my classes are hands-on, as I truly believe that you learn more effectively by experiencing the whole process first hand...touching, feeling, smelling and making your own dough from scratch in class.All efforts are made to use only organic/bio-dynamic ingredients.If you have a specific allergy or dietary requirement, please let me know.