Wild Sourdough
contact Wild Sourdough

Artisan Wholegrain and Sprouted Grains

Stoneground Flour, Spelt, Rye & Khorasan

New techniques for optimum texture, flavour and nutrition

artisan wholegrainDo you ever wonder why wholemeal breads are tasteless, almost tasting like a piece of cardboard?

In this class, we will explore a wide variety of wholegrains and wholemeal flours, as well as sprouting various grains (eg. barley, spelt, wheat, rye, lentils, chickpeas..) and seeds including quinoa and lentils and incorporate these to create truly delicious and nutrient dense sourdough breads.

We will explore new techniques to introduce ‘lightness’ and yummy flavours to sourdough wholegrain bread, so children and fussy adults will love eating it.

By using proper techniques and fermentation, you will be shown a variety of simple ways to release the grain’s nutrients into our body and the delicious flavours of wholegrains and sprouted grains to your bread. One loaf we will do is a sprouted lentil focaccia…

We will learn an easy way to sprout wholegrains at home, without fuss or new equipment. We will make and taste sourdough wholewheat, sourdough wholespelt, 100% sourdough rye bread, quinoa or black-rice sourdough, sprouted grain or essene sourdough and sprouted sourdough crackers/lavosh!

Class Details

  • Duration – 6 hours
  • Includes comprehensive notes and recipes
  • Starter culture to take home
  • Generous food to share in class and take home
  • Make your own dough to take home

More Information...

For information on current classes and gift vouchers, please contact YOKE...

Please note that some classes may only be run once a year.

Contact Yoke

Hi Yoke,

Thank you for “Wild Sourdough”, a fantastic book on sour dough and the making of sour dough bread. First up, my mouth is salivating just looking at the photos.   I’m enjoying the taste without even cooking!!

Thank you again for an informative and easy book to read that has given a novice like me a clear understanding the basics of sour dough and the desire to bake something from one of your extensive range of recipes.

Regards, Ross (USA)

Note about my classes:All my classes are hands-on, as I truly believe that you learn more effectively by experiencing the whole process first hand...touching, feeling, smelling and making your own dough from scratch in class.All efforts are made to use only organic/bio-dynamic ingredients.If you have a specific allergy or dietary requirement, please let me know.