Wild Sourdough
contact Wild Sourdough

Hi Yoke

I wanted to tell you that I have had your book Wild Sourdough for a few years now and have made heaps of the recipes and they always work out really well. My wife and I went to a workshop at the Bourke Street Bakery in Sydney a year ago to learn some techniques to improve our sourdough skill. We still like your recipes over any others we have found!!! If we ever come over to Perth would love to come and do a workshop with you.

Thank You, Tyrone (NSW)

Note about my classes:All my classes are hands-on, as I truly believe that you learn more effectively by experiencing the whole process first hand...touching, feeling, smelling and making your own dough from scratch in class.All efforts are made to use only organic/bio-dynamic ingredients.If you have a specific allergy or dietary requirement, please let me know.