Hi Yoke,
I purchased on of your books recently, ‘wild sourdough by hand’.
I have to say this book is fantastic! I’ve been baking bread at home for the last 6 months or so and always with packet yeast. My bread has had some great reviews from family and friends, I’ve made some really nice rustic whole wheat, rye and spelt breads.
For a while now I’ve been wanting to try some sourdough bread. I had a couple failed attemps months ago which put me off. More recently I’ve been looking for a local bread course to help me along, I came across your website and of course your book.
I began making a rye starter as per your recipe. Its really cold in the Adelaide Hills this time of year, so the starter was VERY slow to get moving. I have no heating in my kitchen during the night so I decided to put my starter jar in a thick woolen sock and it came to bed with me to stay warm! Weird i know but it seemed to help! By the end of the week my jar was filled with a lovely, frothy, bubbly starter.
Thanks for your help so far, having an easy to follow starter recipe has been the biggest help.
Many thanks and with love, Tom (SA)
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