Hi Yoke,
Many thanks for a fantastic workshop (Culturing), i learnt so much!
Over the week, i made the coconut panna cotta, greek yoghurt which i turned into labneh, cultured butter (using cream kefir), water kefir (made with apple juice and mineral water – sparkling – is that ok? with berries added after the primary ferment). I used the buttermilk (from the butter) to make pancakes and have lots of whey to use to ferment kimchi. So i used up most of the cultures, i have only retained the coconut yoghurt for future panna cotta, but i’m glad i got to put my new skills to use making the labneh and butter (which will last me for ages, it’s in the freezer when i’m away).I’ve attached some photos from the workshop that you might like to post (i’m not on facebook much).
Thanks again, Kim (WA)
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