Wild Sourdough
contact Wild Sourdough

Flatbreads and Crackers

Sourdough flat bread and crusty bread – plus yummy dips

Options for dairy/wheat-free – all vegetarian

flatbreads and crackersI love ciabatta and turkish bread, but more often than not eating store-brought yeasted ciabatta and turkish bread makes me unwell. So, after several months of trial and error, finally the real sourdough ciabatta and turkish breads are coming!

This is my most popular advanced sourdough class. We will explore the world of traditional flat breads made with sourdough culture, rather than modern commercial yeasts.

We can now eat yummy wholesome turkish breads, ciabatta, crusty italian semolina loaf (pane pugliese), lavosh/italian ‘sheet’ bread (crisp cracker bread), indian chapattis…..plus some beautiful and three easy dips: Sprouted chickpea hummus; Muhammara (roasted pepper, walnut & pomegranate molasses); cucumber/beetroot Tzaziki.

Uses of kamut/khorasan (ancient durum wheat) will be revealed in this class. It is a hands-on class and you will make and take home your own dough.

Class Details

  • Duration – 6 hours
  • Includes comprehensive notes and recipes
  • Starter culture to take home
  • Generous food to share in class and take home.
  • Make your own flat bread dough (Turkish or ciabatta) to take home

More Information...

For information on current classes and gift vouchers, please contact YOKE...

Please note that some classes may only be run once a year.

Contact Yoke

From Queensland with love

Hi Yoke,

Have just read your newsletter for the second time in a short while. Just so inspiring! So wish you were closer, I’d be first in line for your classes – probably all of them.

Just love your words “when life hands you lemons”. Shall try and remember that next time things turn sour!
Look forward to your next newsletter.

Kind Regards, Cheryl (Qld)

Note about my classes:All my classes are hands-on, as I truly believe that you learn more effectively by experiencing the whole process first hand...touching, feeling, smelling and making your own dough from scratch in class.All efforts are made to use only organic/bio-dynamic ingredients.If you have a specific allergy or dietary requirement, please let me know.