Wild Sourdough
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Gift Vouchers for classes

Hi Yoke,

Just wanted to tell you what a difference attending your artisan baking class back in February has made to my bread making!  I have baked three lots of Honey and Golden Linseed loaves with great success and enjoyment in the eating! My husband really likes this bread too, another bonus.  I’ve also made the Everyday sourdough loaf with success and the wholemeal spelt fruit and walnut loaf. I think your starter is so effective and alive, it just bubbles up to greet me when I get it out of the fridge! And the two bags of flour given in class (white and wholemeal spelt) are wonderful.

Thanks again for your generous sharing of your experience and your knowledge.

Jo (Perth)

Note about my classes:All my classes are hands-on, as I truly believe that you learn more effectively by experiencing the whole process first hand...touching, feeling, smelling and making your own dough from scratch in class.All efforts are made to use only organic/bio-dynamic ingredients.If you have a specific allergy or dietary requirement, please let me know.